Hi guys!
These days our students have been making board games.
The activity had two goals, the first one was revising the contents of the year and the second one was practicing the games with their classmates.
Intelectual test:
This game is for revising different topics worked along the year.

The way of the star:
In this game the players must complete different activities before arriving to the end.
Tradicional trivial pursuit but in this case the game was adapted with English questions for practising the speaking.
This game is very similar to the Monopoly, in this case you can buy aliments and you can practice the speaking in the market.
The imposible game is a very funny way to practice English with your friends. You can practice the future forms with will and going to.
Party junior, this game is very similar to the original one. You must do different activities.
In this game the students revised the there is/are forms.
Memory cards for practising vocabulary.
Present simple game. In this boardgame you may practice sentences in present simple using different cards.
Party and co.

Thanks a lot to everybody for your work.
I hope this project had helped you to revise the English grammar worked in class this year.